Help Bosley Fundraising Shoot

Just a short note of thanks to all our members, guests and the local community for supporting our fund-raising shoot last Wednesday to raise funds for the Help Bosley Disaster Fund. As we all know, the event consisted of a 50-bird sporting shoot, a 10-bird pool and a 10-bird “Have a Go” stand to encourage novices to the sport. We also had refreshments on site, consisting of burgers, steak sandwiches, bacon baps and hot dogs provided by James Gordon Catering. The event was a resounding success with a record turn-out in the entire history of the club, with a massive 132 guns in attendance. We even managed to park all cars on the field, which is a great achievement in itself, thanks to Nick and his team of marshals. Thanks to a wonderful turnout, plus very generous donations towards clays and prizes from a few of our members, we were able to donate a massive £3,100 to the fund. This is a huge achievement for such a small local club, and I am extremely proud to be part of it, and able to donate this amount to this very local and needy community. Out of interest, the winners on the night were: C Class : Katie Harrop 26 B Class : Steve Hayes 40 A Class : Chris Dale 39 AA Class : Martin Harrison 43 High Gun : Greg Bracegirdle 44 Guest : R Thompson 47 Pool : Phil Bailey from Leek Shooting Supplies, who beat his dad after a tight shoot-off. Thanks to everyone who kindly donated funds, helped set-up and close down, man the pool and “have a go stands” , plus all our car park marshalls. Thanks also to all who attended, but a special big thank you to Mr Nick Froggatt for organising the event, Durham for helping set-up and Mr James Gorden for all the catering.

Lots of motors all nicely parked in the top field!

Image supplied by Nick Froggatt (main event organiser) - nice view of Bosley Cloud

Shooting party enjoying the charity sporting layout - picture by Tony Trev Barker